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September 30, 2012

Who was the “Greenest” President?

Recently, the heads of 12 environmental organizations were asked to rank the greenest Presidents in US history. Now, think to yourself, what's the most liberal, the most radical of the major environmental organizations? Many of you will have chosen Greenpeace for that distinction.
Now, which President would you think the head of Greenpeace, Phil Radford, would choose as the greenest President? Barack Obama? Nope.
Maybe Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton; LBJ or FRD? Gotta be a Democrat right?
Phil's choice for the greenest President was Richard Milhous Nixon.
Nixon had a "dynamic duo" on the environment: Russell Train and William Ruckelshaus. Mr. Train died Monday at the age of 92. Much of the credit for President Nixon's and President Ford's environmental achievements goes to Mr. Train. He is rightly regarded as one of the most important environmental policymakers in the history of the United States.

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